In Angular, an event binding is an argument that can listen to and respond to events triggered by a user or application. It will allow you to create a method in your component that has a specific action in the DOM element, such as a button click, an input change, a mouse movement, and so on.

Event binding is a basic part of creating interactive and responsive user interfaces in Angular applications. It helps you define the behavior of your application based on user actions.

Here we have added some basic examples of event binding in Angular

In your component’s HTML file, you define an event binding using the (event) syntax. refer to the below example, here we have to bind a button click event

<button (click)="onButtonHandler()">Click Me</button>

In your TypeScript file, you implement the corresponding method that will be invoked when a user triggers the event

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-user',
  template: `
    <button (click)="onButtonHandler()">Click Me</button>
export class UserComponent {
  onButtonHandler() {
    console.log('Hello world!');
    // You can write your businees logic here

In the above example, when a user clicks on the button button, the onButtonHandler() the method is called, and the message “Hello world!” is logged into the console panel.

You can also pass additional data to the event handler using event objects. For example:

<button (click)="onButtonHandler($event)">Click Me</button>
  onButtonHandler(event: any) {
    console.log('Button clicked!', event);
    // You can write your businees logic here

Angular provides us with a wide range of events, like change, submit, click, input mouse events, keyboard events, and many more. You can use these events on your DOM elements to create dynamic user experiences.

Happy Coding ☺️

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