You can toggle any feature layer in OpenLayers, Here we have mentioned the following step you can follow to show or hide any feature layer. Assuming you have already created a map and added layers to it, you can control the visibility of a layer like this


First setup your vector source and vector layer class with your current map instance

import {VectorSource , VectorLayer} from 'ol/source';

class Map {
      constructor (){
      this.vectorSource = VectorSource({wrapX: false});
      this.vectorLayer = new VectorLayer({
  		source: vectorSource
      } else {

In this example, the toggleLayer() the function takes a parameter (show ‘which’ is type boolean) and toggles its visibility using the setVisible() method. You can call this function whenever you want to show or hide a specific layer.

For More Info Visit – Openlayer official documentation

Happy Coding โ˜บ๏ธ

Setup OpenLayers in Angular | Step By Step

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